- Made of a seven layer of Blown extruded technology with various polymers to achieve the best quality Silo Bags (polyethylene) about 180-250 micron.
- Outer layer is white with UV protective coating while the inner layer in contact with the grain is black.
- Diameter of 5-12 feet and Length of 60m, 75 m, 90 m, 120m or higher are can produced.
- Every Bag is folded with automatic folding machine.
- Lower storage losses
- Lower initial investments
- Scientific bulk storage system & preservation
- Economic solution as compared to underground bunker storage or Metal Silos and can be stored in open field.
- Quality and quantity remains intact same during the storage period.
- Long- term storage solution and No fumigation required ( Up to 2 years).
- Silo Bag hermetically sealed storage system which perpetually produce 17% of carbon dioxide within 30 days, thus inhibits any kind of insect and micro biological. The bag is airtight, therefore chemicals are not normally required to control insects.
- Silo Bag has been tried and tested under weather conditions of – 20 degree C to +55 degree C in various countries.
- Diameter : 8 ,9 ,10 and 12 feet
- Length : 60, 75 , 90, 120 meters and Higher
- Thickness ranging from 180 to 250 microns. Customized products are made based on requirement of customer.