Padsons Seed Treater

Padsons Seed Treater
As a Seed Treater Manufacturer & Supplier in Maharashtra our Seed treatment machine refers to the application of fungicides, insecticides or combination of both to the seeds so as to disinfect and disinfect them from seed born or soil born pathogenic organisms and storage insects to enhance storage life and preserve the nutritional values, germination, vigor etc.
Padsons slurry seed Treater are designed to achieve the above purpose and are technically as well as cost effective.
Material of Construction:
- Slurry tank made of 1.66 & 3 mm thick SS 316.
- Seed Hopper made of 2.5 mm thick SS Sheet.
- Foundation made of M.S. Angle 50 x 50 x 6mm thick.
- Mixing chamber & rotating mixing auger made of SS.
Other special features:
which makes Padsons Seed treatment machine “Techno Economically” best choice of the customers.
- Stainless steel construction ensures long machine life.
- The counterweight measuring system is proven to be the most accurate one.
- Because of minimum moving parts, machine is best suitable for continuous duty. High speed rotating disc to ensure uniform coating.
Technical Specifications:
Particulars | Model PST 2 |
Capacity | 2 TPH |
Mixing Chamber Length | 1500mm |
Height | 750mm |
Diameter | 150mm |
Length | 1800mm |
Height | 950mm |
Width | 520mm |
Electric Drive Mixing Chamber | 2 HP, 3 Phase, 440 V AC |
Treater | 1.5 HP, 3 Phase, 440 V AC |