PADSONS Cotton Seed Dryers

PADSONS Cotton Seed Dryers
Business Type | Manufacturer, Exporter, Supplier |
Type | Dryers |
Certification | CE Certified, ISO 9001:2008 |
Application | PADSONS Cotton Seed Dryers |
This is another offering from Padgilwar group of Industries. This group has already established it’s name as one of the leading name in Agricultural machinery products our range like Multicrop thresher, sprayers, seeds and grain cleaning machinery, Gas based cotton seed delinting plant, Maize Shellers etc.
This dryer is best suited for Cotton seed oil Mills and dal mills. Now days practically the cotton seed and raw dal is available round the year. The constant improvement in design as well as technology by taking feed back from existing customers and installations have made PUSHPAK Dryer the most efficient dryer in the market.
Description of Dryer
- Two Trolleys Design : Our Cotton Seed Drying machine has two trolleys system. One trolley is under drying process while second trolley is being fed by cotton seed. Due to this system not a single minute is lost and drying expenses is also minimum. Each trolley can dry 45 Quintal cotton seed of 18 to 20% moisture. In around 90 minutes, the moisture can be brought to 7 to 8% level which is ideal for crushing. This way 700 quintal cotton seed can be dried in 24 hours.
- Heat exchanger with Blower Fan : Hot air required to dry the raw material is generated by heat exchanger. It has 20 HP (or 25 HP) motor blower which creates 12000 CFM of air. Cotton Seed is FFA containing seed therefore less than 1000C temperature is to be maintained while drying. Generally the temperature of 500C to 800C is maintained. The fuel is usually fine wood, or briquettes made form agro waste. The dryer is designed in such and way that the Boiler or pressure vessel act is not applicable to it. Due to unique design of furnace minimum smoke is generated and ash formation is minimum at less than 5%.
- Elevators cum Conveyers : The dried material is unloaded within one minute due to sliding system. The elevator and conveyor is used for feeding the raw material.
- Trolley Stand : The drying stand is 4’ to 5’ from ground which allows dried material to fall on floor.
- Processing Cost Analysis : This cotton seed delinting plants has following advantages as compare to conventional before drying .
- Only 2 to 3 labor required
- Drying cost of only Rs. 10/- to Rs. 12/- per quintal.
- 200 gm to 400 gm more recovery than floor drying system because oil balls inside the seed gets perfectly cooked
- Less load of crushing on oil expeller
- Better quality of DOC
- Minimum Neutralization los because minimum moisture goes while crushing.
- No dependence on labor, season (climate) and time.
Due to above benefits one can say that the actually the drying expenses is practically Nil. If the raw seed with moisture is stored, there is chance of damage due to heating. The same material can be stored after drying because of high drying capacity of dryer(700 Qtl/day). Many ginners buy our dryer due to above factor.
Cotton seed is bad conductor of heat. It is not free flowing material moreover exposing it to higher temperature is dangerous, hence continuous dryer is difficult option. This PUSHPAK Dryer is best option.
The total weight of dryer is around 6 M. T. The manufacturing process is complicated and time consuming. It is advisable to buy the dryer well before beginning of the season so that the benefit of cheap and easy availability of raw material can be taken.