PADSONS Cotton Crack Seed Separator

PADSONS Cotton Crack Seed Separator
As a Cotton Crack Seed Separator Manufacturer in Maharashtra. We supply in best Quality Products.
Length | 1600 mm |
Weight | 1800 mm |
Height | 3150 mm |
Electric Motor | 3 HP |
Infuse | 2 Nos. |
Magnetic Roller | 2 Nos. |
Hopper Capacity | 60 Kgs. |
Approximate Weight | 800 Kgs. |
Capacity for Delinted | 1 TPH Cotton Seeds |
Salient Features of Seed separating machine:
Seed separating machine is provided with separate inlet buffer bins both for the seed and iron powder with precision feed controller for both seed & iron powder.
- Use of stainless steel sheet at all contact points of iron powder ensures that, the iron powder does not have any sticking effect to the surface; even after getting magnetized due to repeated application.
- Sensor based system enables interlocking; when iron powder buffer bin is empty sensor stops the machine automatically. This utility enables no use of machine without iron powder or seed.
- Iron powder trap and felt on side of belt ensures no excessive powder logging on magnetic roller.
- Acceptable Needle separating Machine height to collect the seed bulk directly either in jute bag/ sacs. (Instead of Jute bags, HOPE bags are recommended)
Unique double infuser designed to ensure humongous mixing of powder & granules (Seeds).
- No need to clean the entire machine after every batch; due to its self-cleaning Mechanism.
- Equipped with Control panel by means of all flow control settings.
Specially designed hopper, ensures uniform flow rate even when it is quarter filled or filled completely. This assures proportional mixing of cotton seed with iron powder throughout the process.
- After infusing, due care has been taken; by providing adequate height for the infused bulk to pass through the magnetic zone (equipped with two strong magnetic rollers) without any jerk or bombardment. This enables safe cushioning for the entered iron powder in cut seed without coming out of the seed; before it passes through the magnetic zone; resulting maximum separation.
- Overall 95 to 98% separation is possible.
- Cleaning Capacity 800 to 1000 Kg/h; depending upon the quality of the bulk. On request small capacity 300 to 500 Kg/h can also be supplied.
- Iron powder consumption 40 to 60 Grams I Kg and also 80% iron powder can be recycled I reused.
- Now that, the system is online; no need to engage labors; hence the system is very cost effective over the traditional time consuming and costly manual hand cleaning method or separation by needle separator.
- Provision of Specially design Extra Hopper Equipped with SS Screen for diverting & collecting excess iron powder.